Level controllers monitor, regulate and control levels of liquids or solids in a process. Level controllers receive input from a level sensing device and respond appropriately based on device and user specifications.
Level monitoring encompasses a variety of technologies that monitor liquid levels in tanks, drums, silos, bins, etc.
The most common level control configuration is an on/off valve activated by a level sensor. In some industrial systems, a flow control valve is configured for level control, with the input to the flow control valve being provided by an analog level sensor.
Level indicators utilize a mechanical device, such as a float, or a sensor with output signal to indicate the level within a tank. Level controllers are, essentially, indicators with integrated control output which allows for functions such as on/off, alarms, etc.
There are two main classifications for level sensors: point level sensors and continuous level sensors. Point level sensors are designed to indicate whether a liquid has reached a specific point in a container. Continuous level sensors, on the other hand, are used to render precise liquid level measurements.
Level controllers are automated units for measuring the level of fluid in a contained area. They're used in systems that prevent liquid levels becoming excessively high or low.